Spectral Hash


Spectral hash is a new family of hash functions using the discrete Fourier transform and a nonlinear transformation constructed via data dependent permutations. The DFT is a well-known cryptographic primitive perfect for generating diffusion and confusion. Due to the usage of the DFT with a nonlinear transformation, the proposed hash generation method is immune to known attacks. Since spectral methods yield efficient and highly parallel architectures, s-hash is highly suitable for hardware realizations.

To view the full submission to NIST, go to the Materials page.

The Paper and the Slides

G. Saldamlı, C. Demirkıran, M. Maguire, C. Minden, J. Topper, A. Troesch, C. Walker, and Ç. K. Koç. Spectral hash. The First SHA-3 Candidate Conference, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium, February 25-28, 2009.   Paper   Slides