Recent Publications
- S. Ci, S. Hu, D. Guan, and Ç. K. Koç.
Privacy-preserving word vectors learning using partially
homomorphic encryption. Journal of Information Security
and Applications, to appear, 2025.
- S. Liu, Z. Liu, D. Chen, W. Dai, L. Zhou, Z. Liu, R. C. C. Cheung,
and Ç. K. Koç. MLFormer: A high performance MPC linear
inference framework for transformers. Journal of Cryptographic
Engineering, Volume 15, Number 2, pages 1-20, 2025.
- P. He, Y. Tu, T. Bao, Ç. K. Koç, and J. Xie.
HSPA: High-throughput sparse polynomial multiplication
accelerators for code-based post-quantum cryptography.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,
Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 1-24, January 2025.
- J. Zhang, Y. Yan, J. Huang, and Ç. K. Koç.
Optimized software implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium
on RV{32,64}IM{B}{V}. IACR Transactions on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems,
Volume 2025, Number 1, pages 632-655, 2025.
- J. Zhang, J. Huang, L. Zhao, D. Chen, and Ç. K. Koç.
ENG25519: Faster TLS 1.3 handshake using optimized X25519 and
Ed25519. The 33rd USENIX Symposium, Philadelphia,
Pensylvania, pages 6381-6398, August 14-16, 2024.
→ USENIX Distinguished Paper Award
- M. Huang, W. Yuan, D. Guan, M. Lu, and Ç. K. Koç.
Guided particle adaptation PSO for feature selection on
high-dimensional classification.
Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications,
20th International Conference, ICIC 2024, Tianjin, China,
pages 14-26, Proceedings, Part I, LNCS 14862, August 5–8, 2024.
- P. He, B. Mongirdas, Ç. K. Koç, and J. Xie.
LAMP: Efficient Implementation of Lightweight Accelerator for
Polynomial Multiplication, from Falcon to RBLWE-ENC.
Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GSVLSI),
Tampa Bay Area, Florida, pages 210-215, June 12-14, 2024.
- J. Xie, P. He, S. C. O. Madrigal, and Ç. K. Koç.
SMALL: Scalable Matrix OriginAted Large Integer PoLynomial
Multiplication Accelerator for Lattice-based Post-Quantum
Cryptography. International Workshop on Arithmetic of
Finite Fields (WAIFI), Ottawa, Canada, to appear,
June 10-12, 2024. pdf
- J. Huang, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, W. Dai, Z. Liu,
R. C. C. Cheung, Ç. K. Koç, and D. Chen.
Yet another Improvement of Plantard Arithmetic for Faster Kyber
on Low-end 32-bit IoT Devices. IEEE Transactions on Information
Forensics & Security, Volume 19, pages 3800-3813, 2024.
→ Guangdong Computer Academy
Excellent Paper Award
- P. He, S. C. Oliva Madrigal, Ç. K. Koç,
T. Bao, and J. Xie.
CASA: A Compact and Scalable Accelerator for Approximate
Homomorphic Encryption. IACR Transactions on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems,
Volume 2024, No. 2, pages 451-489, 2024.
- J. Huang, A. Adomnicăi, J. Zhang, W. Dai, Y. Liu,
R. C. C. Cheung, Ç. K. Koç,and D. Chen.
Revisiting Keccak and Dilithium Implementations on ARMv7-M.
IACR Transactions on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems,
Volume 2024, No. 2, pages 1-24, 2024.
Koç Publications Archive
Sam Green Publications
- S. Green, C. M. Vineyard, R. Helsinki, and Ç. K. Koç.
RAPDARTS: Resource-aware progressive differentiable architecture search.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN),
Glasgow, UK, July 19-24, 2020.
- S. Green, C. M. Vineyard, R. Helsinki, and Ç. K. Koç.
RAPDARTS: Resource-aware progressive differentiable architecture search.
arXiv:1911.05704, November 8, 2019.
(also: pdf)
- S. Green, C. M. Vineyard, W. M. Severa, and Ç. K. Koç.
Benchmarking event-driven neuromorphic architectures.
International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS),
Knoxville, Tennessee, July 23-25, 2019.
- J. Luo, S. Green, P. Feghali, G. Legrady, and Ç. K. Koç.
Visual diagnostics for deep reinforcement learning policy development.
NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC),
San Jose, California, March 18-21, 2019.
- S. Green, C. M. Vineyard, and Ç. K. Koç.
Distillation strategies for proximal policy optimization.
arXiv:1901.08128, January 23, 2019.
(also: pdf)
- S. Green, C. M. Vineyard, and Ç. K. Koç.
Mathematical Optimizations for Deep Learning.
Cyber-Physical Systems Security,
Ç. K. Koç, editor, pages 69-92,
Springer, 2018.
- J. Luo, S. Green, P. Feghali, G. Legrady and Ç. K. Koç.
Reinforcement Learning and Trustworthy Autonomy.
Cyber-Physical Systems Security,
Ç. K. Koç, editor, pages 191-217,
Springer, 2018.
- J. Luo, S. Green, P. Feghali, G. Legrady, and Ç. K. Koç.
Visual diagnostics for deep reinforcement learning policy development.
arXiv:1809.06781, September 26, 2018.
(also: pdf)
- S. Green, C. M. Vineyard, and Ç. K. Koç.
Impacts of mathematical optimizations on reinforcement learning
policy performance.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN),
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 8-13, 2018.
- S. Green, İ. Çiçek, and Ç. K. Koç.
Continuous-time computational aspects of cyber-physical security.
Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography,
pages 59-62, Santa Barbara, CA, August 16, 2016.
İsmail San Publications
- N. Fern, İ. San, Ç. K. Koç, and K.-T. Cheng.
Hiding hardware Trojan communication channels in partially
specified SoC bus functionality.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems, 36(9):1435-1444, September 2017.
- İ. San, N. Fern, Ç. K. Koç, and K.-T. Cheng.
Trojans modifying soft-processor instruction sequences embedded in
FPGA bitstreams. 26th International Conference on
Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), pages 334-337,
Lausanne, Switzerland, August 29 - September 2, 2016.
- N. Fern, İ. San, Ç. K. Koç, and K.-T. Cheng.
Hardware Trojans in incompletely specified on-chip bus systems.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), pages 527-530,
Dresden, Germany, March 14-18, 2016.
Wangchen Dai Publications
- W. Dai, D. D. Chen, R. C. C. Cheung, and Ç. K. Koç.
FFT-based McLaughlin's Montgomery exponentiation without
conditional selections.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 67(9):1301-1314,
September 2018.
- W. Dai, D. D. Chen, R. C. C. Cheung, and Ç. K. Koç.
Area-time efficient architecture of FFT-based Montgomery multiplication.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 66(3):375-388, March 2017.
Vladimir Trujillo-Olaya Publications
- V. Trujillo-Olaya, T. Sherwood, and Ç. K. Koç.
Analysis of performance versus security in hardware
realizations of small elliptic curves for lightweight
applications. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering,
2(3):179-188, 2012.
Zeynep Ödemiş Özger Publications
- Ç. K. Koç, F. Özdemir, and Z. Ö. Özger.
Partially Homomorphic Encryption.
Springer, 2021.
Funda Özdemir Publications
- F. Özdemir and Ç. K. Koç.
Development of Cryptography since Shannon.
IACR ePrint Report 2022/100, January 26, 2022.
(also: pdf)
- Ç. K. Koç, F. Özdemir, and Z. Ö. Özger.
Partially Homomorphic Encryption.
Springer, 2021.